About us

TSC is a trade agent for European sawmills and wood industries. We sell wood and wood products B2B. Furthermore we give support on various other competences such as marketing, research and development, Customer relation management and logistical solutions. We do not merely believe in price…


TSC is founded in 2017, initially as representative of Tapa Mill in Estonia however, since a couple of years our scope has become wider by representing other sawmills/industries offering a complementary range of products. By means of this wider spectre we aim to achieve better support to producers and offer a more extensive range of products to our customers.


Our love for wood and the use of wood products goes hand in hand with our love and care for the forest and sustainable forest management. We only cooperate with certified producers and we promote the use of European wood. The level of sustainability  in European forests stands out above the rest of the world, and wasting fossil fuels by shipping products from other continents to Europe is something we consider as not desirable.


Mission and Vision

Mission: Connecting demand and supply by advise and knowhow.

Vision: Wood as a building material is gaining territory and its fields of applications is growing. We see a growing demand for both commercial and technical support, mediation and negotiation.


On behalf of the companies we represent, we sell mainly processed wood and wood products B2B such as Mid- and North European softwood, European Oak and Beech products.


If you have any questions, please fill out this form.
We will answer your question as soon as possible.

Timber Service Center

Geert Grootestraat 6d

7411GS  Deventer

The Netherlands


Phone +31 (0) 570 72 72 50

Email  info@t-sc.nl